St. Bernard Respect Life Ministry

“The Respect Life Ministry is wonderful blessing to be a part of.  Everyone's kindness and genuine caring for all life is truly inspiring. We witness, pray and fast for the end of abortion and also for the women and men who have been so wounded by abortion.  We also look to how we can help families who choose life with their needs in caring for their baby.  This beautiful Respect Life Ministry is deeply concerned for respecting the dignity of all life, from conception to natural death.  I'm so glad to be a part of it. “

— Kathy Johnson

Respect Life Ministry defends and respects life from conception to natural death. Our ministry members strive to help people from our parish understand the teachings of our Catholic faith in relation to the sanctity of life and share opportunities to put our faith into action.

We actively promote resources on life issues within our parish, evangelizing our fellow parishioners on life issues, and supporting our priest in making life issues visible and viable within our community. We strive to meet these goals through efforts in prayer and worship, public information and education, pastoral care and public policy.